General information on database and attribute
BACKCLICK has BACKCLICK uses its own database for subscribers, based on SQLSQL subscriber database. This is the same database as the one that is used to save statistical store management data, campaign data of all the campaigns, and management data. and statistcs. It is designed in a way that allows adding attributes (database fields) The structure of the subscriber’s database is expandable if needed. Therefore, you may add, change, or erase data fields even if it is an operating system. Please read Chapter “Database Designer” for further information on the data fields.
There are several possible ways to import or export the subscriber’s data to BACKCLICK:
- Importing CSV-files (Text-Tabstop separated) in the administrative interface
- Import, change, or remove individual subscribers by using a http-interface
- Import, change, or remove individual subscribers by using a web interface based on templates
- Remove subscribers by using a CSV-deleting file (Text-Tabstop separated) in the administrative interface
- Import, change, or remove individual subscribers by using the function CORBA
- Import, change or remove individual subscribers by reading and writing directly inside the SQL database (NOTE: only for pros)
- Import, change, or remove individual subscribers by using a SOAP-interface