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Change user profile and rights 

To change information about the user, please choose “User Overview” in “User Management” from the Main Menu. 

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AbbTo modify user data go to User - Management --> User - Overview in the main menu. 

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Fig. 5.2.2 - Benutzer ändern Modify user

This You will see a list of all of the user profiles. Click on the "edit" Image Added-Button hinter dem zu ändernden Benutzer-button behind next to the user who is to be changed to open an editing mask. This mask is exactly the same as the one you already edited while creating the new user. Every field here may be changed by filling in new information and saving it afterwards. 

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Abb you want to modify. This opens the same mask as creating a new user, allowing you to modify user data.

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Fig. - Benutzerdaten editieren Click on Edit user data

Confirm your changes by clicking the "save"-button and to list an overview of . A summary lists all the changed informationchanges done. 


Abb Fig. - Benutzerdaten editiert To open the main menu again, click on Modified user data

Clicking the "back"-button . From the main menu, you can return to the “User Overview” submenutakes you to the user overview again.