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BACKCLICK uses its own SQL subscriber database. This is the same database used to store management data, campaign data and statistcs. It is designed in a way that makes adding, modifying and deleting attributes (database fields) easy, even in running state. Refer to chapter "Database - Designer" for further information.

There are several possibilities in order to import or export subscriber data:

  1. Importing CSV-files (text - tabstop separated) using the administrative interface
  2. Import, modify or remove individual subscriber data using an HTTP-interface
  3. Import, modify or remove individual subscriber data using a template based web-interface
  4. Remove subscriber data using a CSV-deleting file (text - tabstop separated) using the administrative interface
  5. Import, modify or remove subscriber data using CORBA features
  6. Import, modify or remove subscriber data using a SOAP-interface
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