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Here is an example: You would like to send a newsletter to a newsletter mailing list. This list covers 100,000 subscribers. To see if (for example) a personalized salutation in the subject line triggers a higher response rate, the segmentation function of BACKCLICK lets you send different subject lines or text modules within the same newsletter to different subscribers. While writing the newsletter (using the menu item Newsletter Editorial Staff > Write Newsletter), you will be asked whether you would like to segment this newsletter, and if so, how many segments the newsletter should be subdivided into. 

You may divide your newsletter into two segments, with the subscribers receiving the segments alternately. This means that the first subscriber will get segment 1, the second subscriber will get segment 2, the third subscriber will get segment 1 again, and so on. Segments 1 and 2 will be delivered alternately until you reach the last subscriber on the list. 

Altogether, 50,000 subscribers will receive segment 1, with the necessary subject line, the corresponding sender name, and perhaps a special text module (segment content block). The other 50,000 receive the corresponding configuration of segment number 2. 

How to enter the settings for a newsletter is described in Chapter “Create a Newsletter.” We chose two segments for our example here. You cannot determine which segment will be sent to which subscriber, because this depends on the order or sequence of the subscribers. If you want to send information to special target groups that you have limited by certain features — such as a special interest, or a previous place of residence - use the target group newsletter in conjunction with the target group search. 

Before you divide the newsletter into segments, you should have a clear idea of how they should differ. If you would like to change only the subject line and sender, you will not need to lay out text modules for the actual e-mail. If you want to use text modules, you will need to create them in BACKCLICK first. To do this, use the menu item “Newsletter Editorial Staff --> Segment Content.” 

Abb. - Segmentübersicht, editieren und löschen 

The menu item “Newsletter Editorial Staff --> Segment Content” gives you an overview of the available text modules (Segment Content) in the system. You can delete or work on these now. You may also construct new segment-content blocks by clicking on the "Edit"-button. This will open an input mask where you may name the segment content block, and then define its contents. 

Abb. - Segmentübersicht, editieren und löschen 

Content may be in simple text with no formatting, or in HTML code. We recommend making reference to either text or HTML when naming the segment content blocks — for example, “Name123 (text)” or “Name 321 (HTML).” This will make it easier for you to choose content blocks later on, when you are writing the newsletter. The segment content blocks created here will be listed in a short overview, showing all their names. You may access this while writing the newsletter.

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